Alleantia IoT solutions

IoT for an efficient logistics

Written by Fabrizio Pozzato | Mar 4, 2022 2:15:18 PM

Making logistics efficient - that is, making manual handling within a warehouse more efficient, accurately assessing volumes and shipments, and tracking and locating goods - is one of the primary goals of companies. It can be possible thanks to the IoT.

Logistics and IoT are a combination destined to strengthen and increasingly oriented to efficiency and sustainability.

Efficient logistics. Where do we stand?

In recent years, logistics, thanks to IoT, has experienced high digitization rates.

To date, there are autonomous warehouses where goods are packed, prepared, and managed remotely through the information that is timely collected in the field.

The importance of IoT for efficient logistics

A supply chain is effective when the goods arrive from the manufacturer to the end customer, at the agreed time and under the specified conditions.

Through IoT technology, it is possible to respect delivery times. Sensors, scanners, cloud storage systems (and other connected devices) allow the sharing of all information to know at any time the status of the products, their location, and the estimated delivery time, thus ensuring efficient and sustainable logistics.

Data-driven sustainability and efficiency

With the rise of IoT in the Supply Chain comes better monitoring to detect all goods in transit along the supply chain.

All data collected are controlled and analyzed to report any criticalities during the flow of movement to avoid stock-out phenomena.

The digitization of the logistics process enables the implementation of efficient and sustainable logistics. It requires a processes adaptation in the distribution area and a change of infrastructure configuration, systems, fleet management, and goods storage in the intra-logistics area.

With advanced planning tools and real-time data collection, you can reduce CO2 emissions and comply with environmental regulations. You operate more efficiently and, therefore, reduce costs.

The goal? Green logistics

Freight transport, logistics, and supply chain have a large impact on the environment.

Sustainable logistics, in the era of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), open up new development opportunities for companies and new businesses.

Want to learn more about IoT solutions in logistics? Alleantia is waiting for you at LET EXPO 2022 in Verona Fiere from March 16 to 19.