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Alleantia IIoT Edge Gateway with TeamViewer IoT

May 18, 2021 11:02:18 AM / by Alleantia Guru


Together, Alleantia and TeamViewer allow you to connect, Plug & Play, about 90% of industrial machine manufacturers to the cloud in order to monitor, analyze and program them simply and remotely.

The number of companies aware of the advantages that can be obtained from the continuous evolution of IoT solutions is growing, which allow not only to remotely solve process criticalities and increase operational efficiency, but also to guarantee complete visibility on the status and performance of their machines , with real-time details on the health of the equipment: with Alleantia and TeamViewer this is possible.

Among the main advantages of the Industrial Internet of Things, the reduction of human errors and manual interventions, the increase in overall efficiency and the reduction of costs, both in terms of time and money, without forgetting the potential of this technology, for quality control and maintenance processes.

The possibility of implementing intelligent communications between the machines that are used in a production site makes it possible to promptly detect maintenance needs, reducing risk factors and enhancing the safety level of all operational processes.


The architecture is based on the Alleantia Edge IIoT software which communicates with the multiple TeamViewer applications, such as IoT Cloud, ServiceCamp, Pilot, Frontline, via an IoT Agent installed on the operator's workstation for integration with the Alleantia platform, allowing implementation of a complete "Suite 4.0".

In this way, thanks to this solution, both end users and machine builders can tackle all application scenarios with a fully integrated solution that takes advantage of the innovative features of both IIoT offerings. TeamViewer IoT for Remote Operations allows you to centrally control and manage production systems remotely, significantly reducing the need for scheduled on-site maintenance and a source of considerable costs for the company.

Alleantia's capability and proven track record guarantees customers a reduction in unplanned downtime, one of the most costly problems facing industrial organizations.




Performance and functionality
The integration between TeamViewer IoT Agent and Alleantia IIoT Software Gateway ensures secure access to remote devices, reduces footprint at the edge, is scalable, and can be deployed on a wide variety of hardware platforms, with cybersecurity and fault-tolerance options additional. It allows the use of any programming tool present on the operator's supervisory workstations, without the need to install service software, resulting in less design effort, lower costs and more safety. Customer benefits include plug & play bidirectional integration to the service management platform, TeamViewer IoT Cloud connectors and ready-to-activate applications, configurable data rules on edge to pre-process and size machine data, extensive variety of API certified for integration with the customer's Industry 4.0 applications, ready-to-use connections with over 90% of industrial devices on the market.

In addition, Ticketing / CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) interface and advanced collaboration to support maintenance that includes AR / VR solutions via Pilot or Frontline TeamViewer, Teleservice Alleantia with any tool for PLC and CNC diagnostics and programming, alarm notification, data availability smart to support Sales processes for new offers.





Tags: Industry 4.0, Partners, Product News

Alleantia Guru

Written by Alleantia Guru